E-commerce focused business models are now fundamental to success in the retail sector. Those already utilising the power of online commerce have been able to close the gap between consumers and their brand. Physical stores now act as a complementary platform to a customer’s overall retail experience, which is largely driven by their online engagement with a company. The desire to shop anywhere and at any time is facilitated by the power e-commerce has, which means businesses can now remain in almost constant contact with their key customers. The opportunities that e-commerce presents to businesses increase each year. A talented team, skilled and experienced in driving value from e-commerce is crucial. So, how can you build a strong e-commerce team to help boost your business?The key roles and skills your e-commerce team needsAs is the case with any specialist role, there are key skills needed in e-commerce teams to drive innovation and facilitate success. In order to run an efficient e-commerce programme, you should expect to be hiring for roles like UX and CX professionals, website developers, marketing managers, and customer service representatives, to name but a few. However, when hiring professionals for these roles, what is often most difficult is identifying the key skills and experience that your team needs.Data analyticsData analytics is crucial in an e-commerce team, to track progress and formulate results to improve future campaigns. Professionals with experience in dealing with data on large and small scales will be useful to your e-commerce function. Writing abilityAs most of the work e-commerce professionals do is customer facing, you want to make sure you are sending out the right messaging, that is compelling and effective.Website developmentProfessionals skilled in web development and design can build an interesting website that can capture a customer’s interest, and create a customer journey that is unique to your brand or product. Whilst being easy to navigate at the same time.Email marketing and advertisingAn important element to any e-commerce team, these important outlets are your direct link to your consumers and enable you to reach your customer base throughout their customer journey. Personalisation is a great way to improve the customer journey and encourage them to complete the desired action.In the candidate-led market of today, it can be challenging to attract and hire top talent. As more businesses adopt e-commerce into their business model and need to hire these specialist skill sets, the more difficult it is becoming to secure the ideal candidate, with the right experience. With this in mind, it is important to make sure you are considering the transferable skills that e-commerce professionals possess, as well as those who have experience in different sectors. These individuals will be able to bring a lot of new insight into your business.What are e-commerce professionals looking for in a role?E-commerce professionals are keen to work for businesses that are forward-thinking and innovative with their online presence. They want to be able to evoke change across a business through their knowledge of online platforms and best practices when it comes to e-commerce. Here are some of the other key drivers for e-commerce professionals looking to move organisations.A great benefits package.Fair remuneration.Progression opportunities.Training and development schemes.A platform to evoke business change.A company that understands the importance of the role that an offline presence plays in driving consumers online.When looking to hire top e-commerce professionals, it is important to focus on the online platforms that you have available to you. Positive brand awareness through a comprehensive and interactive website, effective advertising, and social media can help you to attract key talent in a digital space. If you impress e-commerce professionals online and show them your capabilities, it will give them insight into what it would be like to work for you and how innovative you are as a business.It is crucial for business leaders to keep up-to-date with e-commerce developments within their sector. The way the market is heading, it is crucial to develop a strong team that will directly feed into driving the wider business agenda, as e-commerce will continue to be fundamental to businesses offering products and services.We have a team of recruitment specialists in the e-commerce space, so we are well placed to give you advice on how to attract and recruit top professionals in this remit. If you would like to discuss your options, please get in touch with one of our specialist recruitment consultants today.Siobhan NuttManager, E-commerce Specialist, Michael Page DigitalT: 020 7269 2110E: siobhannutt@michaelpage.comDigitalLinksAbout usBrowse for jobsSalary comparison toolInsight and adviceLinksEnhancing the online customer experienceHow to build a strong e-commerce teamThe challenges of an evolving digital landscapePaving the way for women in digital rolesUp-skilling and the digital arenaOvercoming hiring challenges as a not-for-profitRecruit the best digital talent: ten top tipsNot right culture fitWhat can be done to address the falling number of women in digital jobs?The evolution of digital marketing leadershipA day in the life of a recruitment consultantThe Top 5 Things Small Businesses are looking for in InterviewsSix tips to writing a great digital CVHow to ensure you’re hiring a top email marketing candidateInterview with Dino Burbidge, director of innovation and technology at WCRSHow important is a degree for your career?Digital/ecommerce recruitment - advice for employers and candidatesInterview with Alice Driscoll, Deputy MD at Jam, the Engine GroupDigital content jobs and demand in the NorthIncreased demand for digital talent in the NorthFive ways to attract the best digital talentCapitalise on your e-commerce experienceThe impact of the mobile retail explosionAre social media gurus really worth it?Optimise your digital design careerDigital expertise: agency or in-house?