Person working on a laptop at a desk with documents, glasses, coffee cup, and calculator.

Writing your first CV after graduating can be a daunting task. Since you’ve just spent the last few years at university, you might think you don’t have much to include on your CV. However, this is not completely accurate, and it is important to not discount all those projects you led and extra-curricular activities you organised during university or college.

Part-time, evening and weekend jobs are worth adding to your graduate CV if you haven’t completed any work placement or summer holiday internships. They can demonstrate a range of skills when highlighted properly. 

This template is a general guide to help you compile your CV.

  • Name 
  • Address
  • Contact number
  • Contact email

Personal statement

This should be a few lines to summarise your experience to date and what you can offer the employer. Try to make this very concise and unique to your specific skill set (i.e. avoid a rambling intro that’s full of clichés).


Starting with your most recent qualification, list your education in chronological order in the following layout:

  • Date from and to, institution
  • Subject, grade achieved
  • Other related awards/achievements
  • Skills gained and impressive projects completed
  • Work experience

If you completed any internships or part-time work experience while at university, write about them here. Particularly highlight any skills gained that can be used in the role you are now applying for. 

Interests and activities

Reveal a little of your personality and show that you’re a well-rounded individual by writing a short description of your interests.


Here you can state ‘Available on request’, meaning the hiring manager can ask you for your references if they make an offer. Don’t start sending out your CV until you have two confirmed referees who are willing to provide a good reference. 

Every CV we come across at PageGroup looks different, and that’s not a bad thing, but it’s important you draw attention to the relevant skills and experience if you want to be selected for interviews.

Now that you have your CV ready, why not check out this article on finding the right job for you?

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