Two animated figures communicating with cup phones, facing each other.

When you start your job search, you may find that the initial interview stage is conducted over the telephone. Telephone interviews can feel quite nerve-wracking if you’ve never had one before and many people don’t really know what to expect.

Telephone interviews are often used to screen candidate's before a face-to-face meeting, so it’s important to impress.

Here are five top tips for a successful job interview over the phone.

1. Keep your contact details up to date

There is often a long period of time between applying for a role and being given an interview date. Make sure you keep your potential employer updated with your current contact details to make sure they have the best number to call you on. Remember, mobile numbers are not usually the most reliable option but if you don’t have a landline, ensure you can be somewhere that has good signal for the interview.

2. Research and prepare

Research the organisation online and look over any information you’ve been sent – such as the job description and person specification. Also, try to research the activity of any direct competitors and the industry as a whole – it’s helpful to have some wider knowledge to add context to your answers.

Just because an interview is over the phone, it doesn’t mean it will be any less thorough than the usual process. Prepare notes and gather information like you would before a face-to-face interview.

3. Get your notes in order

The biggest advantage to telephone interviews is that you’re able to have notes with you, if you feel it would be beneficial. While lengthy notes could actually prove distracting, short, relevant notes about your experience or the company can be used to prompt your interview responses. Make sure your notes are clear and legible – don’t risk tripping over your words. Also, have a pen and spare paper handy to make additional notes.

4. Check your body language and tone

Be aware of your body language, even though the interviewer can’t see you. Typically, standing up can make you feel and sound more alert and confident. Remember to smile too, it will show in your voice.

5. Choose the right location

Make sure you have a quiet, comfortable space where you’re unlikely to be disturbed with noise or other interruptions. Ensure that your family/housemates know you’re undertaking an interview so they know not to disturb you.

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