You’ve got a great role, but how do you make sure your ideal candidate knows you're hiring?

Most companies advertise on job sites, but the right talent may not always be looking actively.

That’s where ReachTalent comes in. Reach the right talent – fast!


As the most comprehensive sourcing solution in the market, ReachTalent provides full coverage of digital channels for an effective and fast hiring process.

Our premium digital solution uses a variety of channels and ad types to target both active job seekers and passive candidates - talents who may not be looking for a role, but are open to the perfect opportunity.

Looking for a niche talent, need to hire urgently or have multiple vacancies to fill? Leverage on our in-house digital expertise and our global preferential advertising rates through Reach Talent today.

Reach Talent gets results

Companies that advertised with us

A Multi-Platform Solution

We target active and passive job seekers with adverts that cut through the noise. Reaching top candidates, all for one flat rate.


Michael Page Website

Featured Job branding ensures that your job gets priority coverage and stands out from the other vacancies

Client Profile or Minisite

Promote your brand and get seen as a Featured Employer by active job seekers

Behavioural Targeting Ads

Identify highly relevant job seekers through their LinkedIn profile

Job Slots

Relevant tagging based on the skill set your client is looking for and targeting the relevant candidates through GEO targeting

jobboard image

Job boards

Reaching active candidates through client branded job adverts on niche job platforms tailored to your industry.

Contact us today for complete market coverage means you get the strongest candidate possible

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